Gabriel Egan
Principal Investigator

Gabriel Egan is Professor of Shakespeare Studies and Director of the Centre for Textual Studies at De Montfort University. His PhD (Birmingham University, 1997) was on the design of the Globe theatre in London and its bearing on the original staging of Shakespeare's Cymbeline and The Winter's Tale. From 2000 to 2004 he worked at the replica Globe in modern London, teaching its MA Shakespeare Studies in collaboration with King's College London. He is one of the co-editors of the journal Theatre Notebook (the organ of the Society for Theatre Research) and the Routledge journal Shakespeare, and his most recent book was The Struggle for Shakespeare's Text (Cambridge University Press, 2010).
Andrew Gurr

Andrew Gurr, a graduate of Auckland and Cambridge universities, has taught at universities in New Zealand, England, Kenya, and the USA. He spent twenty years as Director of Research at the Shakespeare Globe Centre, London. In 2004 Auckland awarded him an honorary doctorate. While at the London Globe he chaired the committee that fixed the design of the Globe. His academic books include The Shakespearean Stage 1574-1642, Playgoing in Shakespeare's London, The Shakespearian Playing Companies and The Shakespeare Company 1594-1642.
Maurice Hindle
Project Manager

Maurice Hindle devised and developed the ShaLT project in the period 2009-10, inspired by the work of Andrew Gurr and with his collaboration. Then teaching Shakespeare at The Open University where he had been a tutor and senior academic manager for many years, he is now Visiting Research Fellow in the English Department. He graduated from Durham University in 1972 with an Anthropology degree, and was awarded a PhD in 1989 at Essex University for his Critical Edition of William Godwin's Caleb Williams, one of three novels he has edited for Penguin Classics. Besides publishing journal essays on Godwin and the 19th century chemist and poet Humphry Davy, he is currently working on the second edition of Studying Shakespeare on Film (Palgrave Macmillan) and a new book, Singing his Heart and Speaking his Mind: The Songworld of John Lennon.
Geoffrey Marsh
V&A Partner

At our partner institution, the Victoria and Albert Museum, our collaborator is Geoffrey Marsh (Director of Theatre and Performance).
Peter Sillitoe
Post-Doctoral Research Associate

Peter Sillitoe read English at the University of Wales before going on to complete a PhD on Renaissance drama and court space at the University of Sheffield. He held a Marie Curie Research Fellowship at University College Cork from 2009 to 2011 and his monograph entitled Performing Spaces is forthcoming through Palgrave Macmillan.
Sarah Miriam Burch
ShaLT Frontrunner

Sarah Miriam Burch is the Frontrunner at De Montfort University. She is currently an undergraduate Drama Studies student at the university with a passion for public engagement with theatre, both from an academic level to performance-based work. Working with the project during the summer of 2013, Sarah Miriam is hoping to encourage a range of audiences to learn about the Shakespearean London Theatres, including users with only basic knowledge of history, theatre and literature alongside those with heightened levels of academic experience.
Meena Toor
Marketing & PR Co-ordinator

Meena Toor is Digital Content Officer for Creative and Cultural Skills, the licensed skills sector council for the creative industries. She graduated in English at King's College University and accumulated four years of experience in corporate B2B and B2C Information Technology and Media. Following a 5 month internship at the V&A Museum Theatre and Performance Department, and a 2 year course in Acting and Theatre management at Questor's Theatre, she continues mixing her passion for Shakespeare, Art and Culture with her skills in PR and digital technology. Follow her on @marketingboxers